Why is my Shih Tzu shedding hair?

Why is my Shih Tzu shedding hair? It is a common question among Shih Tzu owners who believe in one of the biggest myths that Shih Tzu does not shed hair. In this article, we will demystify the topic of Shih Tzu shedding and explain why they are shedding and remedies.

Do shih tzus shed?

The answer is yes. Shih Tzu does shed off their hair even though they are considered light shedders. We cannot compare Shih Tzu with other breeds like pugs and bulldogs because they shed more.

Shih Tzu is a good dog breed for people allergic to fur because their coat is made of hair. Just like people, Shih Tzu dogs do shed little of their hair.

You may not notice that Shih Tzu are shedding their hair because they have long hair and are double coated. It means some hair is trapped in the coat instead of falling off.

Most of the hair that has been shed remains on the Shih Tzu coat, making the hair tangled, forming mats and knots. These mats and knots can only be detangled using a brush, comb, and bathing  shampoo.

Shih tzu hair growth stages

Like human beings and other dog breeds with hair, Shih Tzu hair undergoes three life-growth stages, i.e., anagen, catagen, and telogen phases.

  • Anagen is the growth stage of hair. Usually, 85% to 90% of the hair grows once. Doing the correct grooming and feeding your shih tzu well will be healthy, meaning the hair will not break during this stage.
  • Telogen is the phase where the hair does not grow in length. The hair remains the same length. Hair follicles firmly hold it, preventing it from falling.
  • Catagen is the last stage of Shih Tzu hair growth. It is the falling stage. You may be wondering how falling happens. Usually, what happens is that the hair follicle shrinks, cutting off the supply of blood on the hair shaft. Due to a lack of blood supply, the hair shaft detaches itself and falls out.

The three stages that Shih Tzu’s hair undergoes help keep its coat healthy and shiny. If they cannot shed their hair to renew it, they can look bad, especially for the old ones.

Instances in which Shih Tzu shed their hair

There are different developmental stages that Shih Tzu sheds off their hair. Understanding all these instances or situations is essential to avoid asking why my Chihuahua Shitzu sheds too much.

Shih tzu shedding puppy coat

Shih tzu puppies have very different body coats than adults when they are born. Their hair is usually very soft and light and does not quickly grow out. As the puppy develops, it will shed off the puppy coat immediately to grow an adult coat.

This stage of the puppy’s life is characterized by heavy shedding that makes most owners even get worried about what is happening. In most puppies, this heavy shedding lasts two to three months, while others can stay short for only one month. However there are some Shih Tzu puppies, but on rare occasions, they only shed when they are nine months old. Therefore, if you have a puppy Shih Tzu, you do not need to worry when you realize they are shedding more because it is normal.

Pregnancy shedding

In every dog breed, many changes occur in the body during pregnancy and after they give a litter. One of the changes that significantly affect shedding is hormonal changes. After giving birth, Shih Tzu can have increased shedding. The hair will regrow again; if it does not, health problems may require you to consult a veterinary officer.

Seasonal shedding

During different times of the year, e.g., transitioning from one season to another, like winter to summer or spring, you may notice an increase in shih tzu shedding. You may get worried and ask why my Shih Tzu is shedding hair. Usually, seasonal shedding also has something to do with Shih Tzu’s health and how they are groomed and fed.

During winter, our surroundings’ cold and dry air dry our skin. If the state of the skin is not good, it can lead to weak hair, making the coat shed more than it does.

During summer, exposure to the sun can lead to friction on the Shih Tzu coat, causing the hair to become weak and then it will break.

Tips to reduce Shih Tzu shedding

Even though Shih Tzu shedding is normal, there are ways in which we can reduce the amount of hair that they shed and get in our clothes, couches, etc.

  1. Regular brushing

Regular Shih Tzu coat brushing can help in reducing shedding. Brushing should be done regularly like after three days for S, Shih Tzu with short coats. For Shih Tzu with long coats, brushing can be done every day for two days for the ones with average coats.

When brushing Shih Tzu, you must use different grooming tools. For example, if your Shih Tzu coat has mats and knots, you will need a comb that can check and remove tangles easily. You may be required to purchase 2 Sided Undercoat DE matting Rake or Detangling Pet Comb.

You can use a gentler brush like Li’l Pals Stainless Steel double-sided comb when brushing Shih Tzu puppies. If you have shaved your Shih Tzu coat, a more bristle brush can remove the fallen hair on the dog coat.

  1. Bathing

Bathing your shih tzu can help in reducing shedding. For example, the hair does not fall in one day during the Shih Tzu hair growth stage called catagen, also called the shedding phase. It takes around 1 to 2 weeks to shed the whole hair.

During this stage, the hair is loose, waiting to fall. Bathing your Shih Tzu can help release all the lost hair in the coat.


This article has helped you understand why Shih Tzu sheds hair. You will now no longer ask why my Shih Tzu is shedding hair.