How to effectively use prong collars to avoid hurting your dog

Do not judge a book by its cover. Prong collars look weird and unsafe for use with dogs, but they have advantages and disadvantages, i.e., they can be practical training tools or hurt your dog when misused.

Like shock collars, Prong collars face a backlash among dog trainers and experts, but you, as a dog owner, need to know facts about these collars before making any judgment.You are reading this because your dog probably pulls on the leash, and you are looking for a way to stop him from pulling.

What is a prong collar?

Prong collars are also known as pinch collars. They consist of prongs attached to chains around them. The prongs rest on the dog’s neck, and when connected to the leash, they put unison pressure on the dog, discouraging him from pulling on the leash.

Unlike the old choke collar, which exerts pressure on the front side of the dog’s neck, prong collars minimize the harm they can cause to the dog by equally distributing pressure.

Sensation from the prong collars is meant to simulate corrective natural behavior. Prong collars are a sound communication tool between the owner or trainer and the dog.

Advantages of using a prong collar

Provide immediate and quick results.

Prong collars provide immediate and consistent correction compared with other collars like flat or choke collars.

For the dogs that pull on the leash, prong collars discourage them by applying pressure on the dog’s neck. They can be effective for strong and stubborn dogs that are strong to control.

Prevent lunging and barking.

Prong collars can be an effective tool to prevent barking and lunging. A prong collar can provide a correction that makes the dog stay focused and calm down instead of making them agitated.

Adjustable pressure

Prong collars allow you to adjust the pressure the dog is receiving on the neck. Therefore, prong collars can be used with dogs with different behavioral issues.

Temporary usage

In most cases, prong collars are used to correct dog-specific behavior. Once the dog has been trained and understands the commands, the dog owner can switch to the regular daily use of a collar and leash.

Disadvantages of using prong collars

Can harm the dog

Prong collars can cause harm to your dog’s neck and trachea when they are misused. It can happen when the prong collar is too tight on the dog’s neck or when excess pressure or force is exerted.


The fact that prong collars are very effective can lead to over-correcting your dog, causing fear, aggression, and even stress on them.

Not suitable for all types of dogs

Prong collars are unsuitable for young puppies or even dogs with medical issues. Also, using prong collars on small dogs like Shih Tzu and  French bulldogs is not recommended because they can be sensitive to pressure.

Effective use of prong collar tips

  • Prong collars are a safe and effective way to communicate with your canine. The pressure they exert on the dog’s neck is universal; hence, it does not damage the dog’s trachea.
  • They can save your dog’s life if it loves to pull on the leash. Think of a scenario where you take out your dog, which loves drawing on the leash. If you use regular flat collars, they can hurt you and run away, and you may get hit by a moving car. Dogs cannot pull you if you use prong collars because of the pressure they will exert on their neck.
  • Fitting the prong collar ensures better communication with the dog. The collar should not be very tight and should not be loose to the extent that it can slip out of the neck.
  • If your dog is new to prong collars, take time to walk your dog through all the steps, and do not drag him. You can put the prong collar on the dog and take a walk. Offer some treats once you go after the walk.

Frequently asked questions about prong collars.

Can prong collars cause damage?

Repeated intense pressure on the dog’s neck using prong collars can cause severe inflammation of the dog’s skin and muscles. In some extreme cases, prong collars can cause cervical spine injuries.

Prong and choke collars can make the dog cough and even collapse the windpipe. Thyroid glands are also affected by prong collars when used often.

Can prong collars make dogs more aggressive?

Using prong spikes and pinch collars is inhumane; positive reinforcement methods commonly cause pain when there is no need for aversive training, making dogs more aggressive. Fearful dogs can become more anxious.

Is it wrong to use a prong collar?

Most pet owners must learn to use prong dog collars properly and effectively. Wrong usage of prong collars can cause severe damage to the dog’s neck area. The dog can perceive prong collars as a form of punishment and can cause behavioral and emotional issues.


Prong collars are neither humane nor designed to hurt stubborn dogs to pull. It is dog training tools just like others. When used correctly, prong collars are practical tools for training and correcting dog behavior. Always consider your dog’s safety when training and buying any collar.