Can dogs eat Jicama?

Can dogs eat Jicama? That is a common question among dog owners. In this article, we will look into details about Jicama, i.e., how to eat Jicama and its health benefits, and answer the big question: Is Jicama good for dogs?

First, let’s start by defining what Jicama is.

What is Jicama

Jicama is a root vegetable that has brown and thick skin. Inside, it is white and has an apple taste, but it is not that sweet. Jicama, scientifically known as Pachyrhizus Erosus, is a Mexican yam. Jicama belongs to the bean family.

Jicama’s other names include:-

  • Mexican potato

  • Mexican yam

  • Mexican yam bean

  • Mexican water chestnut

  • Mexican turnip

  • Leafcup

  • Chinese potato

The jicama plant is mostly grown in Mexico and Central America. The part that is eaten is the root.

Can dogs eat Jicama?

Can dogs eat Jicama? The answer is yes; however, dogs cannot eat all parts of Jicama. Some Jicama parts are very toxic if consumed, while other parts are safe and edible.

Just like humans, some dogs may be allergic to certain foods. If your dog is allergic to Jicama, below are symptoms you will detect.

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Skin problems

It is also important that you should consult a vet officer before feeding your dog with Jicama. New dog food varieties should be introduced to the dog slowly and not gradually.

Gauge your dog’s reaction after feeding on Jicama. If the canine did not like the food or caused the above symptoms, don’t prepare it again, but in case your dog likes the food, prepare a large quantity next time, but don’t go over excess or replace Jicama with a regular dog’s food.

How to prepare and feed Jicama to dogs

We have already found out that jicamaJicama is both safe and nutritious when added to the dog’s diet; now, it is vital to know the right way to prepare and serve your pets so that they can enjoy it safely. Below are tips that will help you prepare and feed your dog Jicama.

Preparing Jicama

  • The first step is sourcing fresh Jicama from the market. Any jicama that appears to be moldy and soft should not be avoided.

  • Using running water, wash the Jicama to remove all the debris and dirt.

  • Peel off the brown outer layer using a knife or any other vegetable peeler. This step is very important because you can remove all the contaminants, making it easy for your dog to chew and digest Jicama.

Serving your dog

  • Slice the peeled Jicama into slices, then cut it into small, easy-to-bite pieces. Cutting them into small pieces will make Jicama easy for the dog to eat and prevent choking.

  • The size of your dog should determine the size you cut the Jicama. For small dogs like Shih Tzu, French bulldogs, and pugs, you should slice the Jicama into small pieces, while for big dogs like pitbulls ,German shepherds, etc, you can increase the size.

  • Jicama slices can be given to the dog just like a standalone treat or included in your dog’s regular food.

Introduce Jicama to dogs gradually.

  • If it’s the first time you’re introducing your dog to Jicama, you should start by giving them a small amount and pay keen attention to how they react to it.

  • For some dogs, they may quickly take it, while others will require time to develop a taste for the Jicama.

  • You should also monitor your dog’s signs of gastrointestinal upset or any allergic reactions that can be side effects of eating Jicama.

Moderate consumption

  • Even though Jicama is a healthy addition to your pet’s diet, you should give it in moderation. If you give your pet too much Jicama, it can lead to stomach upset, causing diarrhea and gas.

  • Jicama should be given to the dog as a treat or for supplementing your pet’s regular meals. Make it the least portion of your pet’s diet.

  • Balance jicama intake with overall calorie. The best thing to do is to consult your veterinarian to help you determine the right portion to give your dog, depending on its body size, age, and activities.

Related questions

Is raw Jicama safe for dogs?

Even though raw Jicama can give the dog many nutrients in the body, it is safe to give them when you have peeled the Jicama to remove the dirt and toxic parts. Once peeled, cut the Jicama into pieces that your dog can easily eat.

Is Jicama good for dogs?

Yes, Jicama is very good for dogs. There are several health benefits of eating Jicama in both humans and dogs. For example

  • Jicama has a low amount of calories and fats, making it the perfect meal for your dog.
  • The high fiber content in Jicama makes it best for a healthy dog stomach.
  • Vitamin C, potassium, and iron help keep a dog’s immune system strong.
  • Jicama also has Inulin, which is a prebiotic that helps the dog digest its food.


Jicama is very nutritious but should be consumed in moderation. Always remember only the bulb is safe for consumption. Leaves, stems, seeds, and skin are very unsafe.If your dog consumes the toxic parts, consult a vet.